The Drug Regulatory Authority observes its first Foundation Day on 14 June 2019 coinciding with the World Blood Donor Day. In accordance with Chapter III of the Medicines Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan 2003, the Drug Regulatory Authority was established in 2004 as a Unit under the Ministry of Health and delinked in 2008 forming an autonomous government agency.

The first meeting of the governing body, the Bhutan Medicines Board,  was held on this day in 2004. The Foundation Day is celebrated to create awareness among the public on the mandates of the Authority and the important role played in assuring the quality of medicinal products in the country. It is also to acknowledge the contributions of various stakeholders and celebrate the past achievements together. This day is significant not only to reflect on the number of years DRA has served so far but also to acknowledge past and serving Board and the Committee members for their continued guidance and support.

To ensure the availability of quality, safe, and efficacious medicinal products for consumers, the Authority regulates through premarketing to post-marketing control system in the areas of manufacture, import, export, sale/dispensing and distribution. The premises and the competency skills of personnel handling medical products are also monitored. The Authority also monitors the trends of adverse events resulting from medicinal products.

On this day, the Authority launches Quality Manual, Guideline for Manufacturing of Medicinal Products and information materials related to medicines. The Authority requests the general public to stop self-medication; use antibiotics only when prescribed by the health professionals; refrain from unnecessary use of supplements and report suspected adverse events resulting from the use of medicines, if any.

12 June 2019
